Looking back 2024 from Germany.
17th SoftTennis World Championships in Aseong, South Korea, 1 to 10 September 2024

A team from Germany also participated in the 17th SoftTennis World Championships in Anseong/South Korea in the Single, Double and Mixed competitions. Together with Poland, Hungary, Czechia and Slovakia, Germany represented the European continent. The German team – six players and two coaches – fought courageously in each match and were more successful than ever before. Our top player Mona Boden gave an impressive performance winning her opening single and double matches. Uwe Biehl, President of SoftTennis Germany e.V. and since 2024 also Vice-President of the International SoftTennis Federation (ISTF), was very pleased with this result.
The decisive matches for the title of SoftTennis World Champion were of course played by Asian teams, i.e. Japan and South Korea above all. For the German players what counted was the Olympic spirit, i.e being able to participate in such a big, international competition.
Everybody was enjoying this wonderful sports event celebrating the peaceful and harmonious get together of so many different nationalities. Sport is a uniting element – especially in these uncertain times.

fight for our country

